Each patient has the right to:
- Respectful and safe care by competent personnel;
- Be informed of patient rights prior to surgery date;
- Be informed in advance about care, treatment and related risks;
- Make informed decisions regarding care and treatment and to receive information necessary to make those decisions;
- Refuse care and treatment and to be informed of the medical consequences of refusing such;
- Formulate advance directives and to understand that Advanced Surgery Center will not comply with the directives but to understand that the directives will be transported with the patient if the patient requires hospitalization;
- Personal privacy and confidentiality of medical records;
- Be free from abuse, neglect and exploitation;
- Access information contained in his/her medical record within a reasonable time when requested;
- Receive surgical services without discrimination based upon race, color, religion, gender, national origin or payer; and,
- Voice complaints and grievances without discrimination or reprisal and have those complaints and grievances addressed.
Please voice any complaints in person to Maggie Summerfelt, Administrator, by phone at 402-345-1712 or by mail at Advanced Surgery Center, LLC, 111 S. 10th Street, Omaha, NE 68102.
If your complaint or grievance is not resolved to your satisfaction, please contact:
Joann Erickson, Administrator
NE Department of Health and Human Services
Division of Public Health Licensure Unit
PO Box 94986
Lincoln, NE 68509-4986
(402) 471-3484
Or contact the Office of the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman at www.medicare.gov/ombudsman/activites.asp
Derechos Del Paciente
Cada paciente tiene el derecho de:
- Un trato seguro y respetuoso por un personal competente.
- Ser informado de los derechos del paciente antes de la fecha de la operación.
- Hacer decisiones informadas sobre el cuidado, tratamiento y a recibir información necesaria para hacer tales decisiones.
- Formular instrucciones o directrices médicas por anticipado y entender que Advanced Surgery Center no acatará dichas directrices pero entiende que dichas instrucciones serán transportadas con el paciente si requiere hospitalización.
- Confidencialidad y privacidad personal de expedientes médicos .
- Estar libre de abuso, negligencia y explotación.
- Tener acceso a información contenida en su expediente médico dentro de un tiempo razonable cuando sea requerido.
- Recibir servicio quirúrgico sin sufrir discriminación debido a raza, color, religión, sexo, lugar de origen o de pago; y
- A expresar quejas y agravios sin temor a discriminación o represalia y a que dichas quejas y agravios sean evaluadas.
Por favor exprese su queja en persona a Maggie Summerfelt, Administradora, por teléfono al (402) 345-1712 o por correo a Advanced Surgery Center, LLC, 111 S 10th Street, Omaha NE 68102.
Si su queja o agravio no ha sido resuelta a su entera satisfacción, por favor contacte a Joann Erickson, Administrador
NE Department of Health and Human Services
Division of Public Health Licensure Unit
P.O Box 94986
Lincoln, NE 68509-4986
(402) 471-3484
O contacte la oficina de Medicar Beneficiary Ombudsman en