
Hammertoe Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

2022-08-15T19:38:52+00:00Pain Management, Podiatry|

Also known as “Mallet Toe” Hammer Toe is a type of foot deformity that is related to an imbalance in the muscles, tendons, or ligaments that normally hold a particular toe straight, in the proper position, or orientation. Hammertoe can be caused by things like the type of shoes you [...]

Clubfoot Symptoms, Causes, & Treatments


Clubfoot is a general condition used to describe congenital foot abnormalities that are found during prenatal exams or at birth. It typically causes the baby's foot to be twisted out of shape or abnormally out of position. In most cases of congenital clubfoot, the connective tissues and their relationship to [...]

Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

2022-08-15T19:43:44+00:00Orthopedic, Podiatry|

The health of your feet is easy to overlook until there is a problem. When something like Plantar Fasciitis affects one of your feet, the discomfort and outright pain can hamper your quality of life, not to mention your overall mobility. What Is Plantar Fasciitis? The plantar fascia in each [...]

Stress Fracture In Feet & Shins. Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

2022-08-15T21:51:44+00:00Pain Management, Podiatry|

Stress fractures are a relatively small “Crack” in the bone rather than a complete break. They can be caused by a variety of things. Especially from repetitive microtrauma in athletes like long-distance runners and certain vocations. Stress fractures are more common in the shin bone, heel, foot, and hip as [...]

Tips to Improve Poor Foot & Leg Circulation

2022-08-15T21:52:41+00:00Pain Management, Podiatry|

Healthy blood flow to the lower extremities plays a critical role in a person’s quality of life as well as longevity. Poor leg foot and leg circulation can lead to a wide range of other serious conditions, not the least of which is the risk of blood clots forming and [...]

Bunion Surgery. When It’s Necessary & Why You Need It


Most physicians see surgical intervention as being a last resort treatment option. Nonetheless, there are some times when surgery is clearly indicated to address a problem before it escalates into an issue that significantly impacts the overall quality of life. Bunion surgery is one of these procedures that will provide [...]

Ingrown Toenail Surgery, Treatment & Removal


Ingrown toenails might start out as a simple nuisance, that makes your shoes uncomfortable to wear, yet can easily transform into a very serious foot health problem. Some people are increasingly prone to recurring ingrown toenails, whereas others experience acute issues from time to time. Especially if you frequently wear [...]

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