
Best Exercises for Huntington’s Disease

2022-08-15T19:40:34+00:00Pain Management|

Huntington’s disease is a genetic condition where the nerves in your brain start to deteriorate. It can start even before you have any overt signs of Huntington’s disease. Though a large body of research has found that regular exercise can help slow the progression of Huntington’s disease. It can improve [...]

Degenerative Disc Disease Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

2022-08-15T19:41:01+00:00Orthopedic, Pain Management|

The human spinal column is a complex structure made up of many integrated tissues, bones, muscles, and nerves. Helping to cushion the weight between the vertebrae are a series or cartilage discs that act as shock absorbers and help you move, bend and twist comfortably. As time goes by, the [...]

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