
Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

2022-08-15T19:40:51+00:00Orthopedic, Pain Management|

The human back has a pair of sacroiliac joints that play a major role in your spinal flexibility, and mobility. Of course, this also means that they play a major role in your general comfort and overall quality of life. If you start to notice lower back pain as you [...]

Herniated Disk Symptoms & Treatment Options

2022-08-15T21:54:16+00:00Orthopedic, Pain Management|

Your spine is made up of a complex network of muscles, connective tissues, nerves, bones, and cartilage. The vertebrae of each bone in the spine and neck are cushioned by small, durable cartilage disks that help cushion the bone and help with flexibility. These cartilage discs are round with a [...]

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